
Tatsuya Arakawa LMFT > “I would recommend it to anyone facing a problem, but also to those who don’t have a specific issue but want to understand themselves better or live more easily. By getting to know yourself more deeply, I believe you will always gain something valuable.”

A testimonial from a female client in her 60s.

What kind of concerns or issues were you struggling with before receiving Tatsuya's therapy?

My husband was diagnosed with cancer, and the thought of the future overwhelmed me with anxiety. Since his treatment would be a long process, I decided to receive therapy so that I could remain mentally stable and support him during this time.

How did Tatsuya's therapy help improve your situation?

I became able to calmly analyze my anxiety, and understand what I was worried about and where that anxiety was coming from. I realized that most of my anxiety was self-created, and that I was the one making myself anxious. While I can’t completely eliminate anxiety, I learned that it is possible to face it and cope with it in a healthy way. Through my husband’s treatment process, I also learned that everything turned out to be much easier than we had imagined, and that there’s no need to worry about things that haven’t even happened yet. Now, I can believe that I do not have to worry too much, and that I need to focus on doing what I can in each moment.

What was your impression of therapy before and after?

Before starting therapy, I thought it was just a space to “talk things out.” But after experiencing it, I realized that by speaking out, I was able to objectively reflect on myself. Mr. Arakawa helped me go deeper into my feelings with well-placed questions, allowing me to explore my emotions more thoroughly. Being able to speak honestly with someone about my feelings was incredibly relieving, and just that made me feel lighter. Speaking also helped me organize my thoughts, and I had many valuable realizations.

What did you like about the therapist?

Mr. Arakawa asked me a variety of questions that helped me dig deeper into my emotions. By doing so, I was able to uncover the root causes of my feelings. I thought I understood mindfulness from reading books on my own, but through therapy, I was able to truly internalize and experience it. Without therapy, I believe I would have just “kind of understood” it without fully grasping it. Through mindfulness, I realized that I was always thinking about the future while doing things. I knew I had a tendency to be impatient, but I didn’t realize that I wasn’t truly living in the “now.” For example, when washing dishes, I would think about the next task—like grinding rice—but I wasn’t focused on the act of washing dishes itself. Now, when I wash dishes, I consciously focus on simply enjoying the process of washing them. Practicing mindfulness in the present moment helps me at work and allows me to enjoy life more fully.

Who would you recommend the therapist to?

I would recommend it to anyone facing a problem, but also to those who don’t have a specific issue but want to understand themselves better or live more easily. By getting to know yourself more deeply, I believe you will always gain something valuable.