
Tatsuya Arakawa LMFT > ”Honestly, I believe everyone should receive therapy”

A testimonial from a female client in her 20s.

What kind of concerns or issues were you struggling with before receiving Tatsuya's therapy?

When I first came to Mr. Arakawa, it was because the anxiety disorder I had as a child had resurfaced. I became overwhelmed by worrying too much about the future, which made me highly anxious and afraid of driving. It was interfering with my daily life.

How did Tatsuya's therapy help improve your situation?

When I had OCD in the past, I went to a psychiatrist, but I didn’t receive treatment, and since I was still a child, I didn’t fully understand my illness. I just recovered naturally over time. However, as an adult, I decided to seek therapy, and with Mr. Arakawa’s gentle guidance, I was not only able to learn specific ways to address my symptoms, but I also gained a deeper understanding of my thought patterns and emotional state. By discussing how my upbringing had influenced my way of thinking with Mr. Arakawa, I not only saw improvements in my symptoms, but my self-esteem also increased, and life became easier to navigate.

What was your impression of therapy before and after?

At the beginning of therapy, I often asked questions like, “How can I get better?” as I wanted to solve my problems immediately. But as I continued the sessions, my understanding of the mental health issues deepened, and I came to see therapy as something like physical rehabilitation.

What did you like about the therapist?

Although I initially thought I was just talking about my life, thanks to Mr. Arakawa’s insightful questions and analysis, my tangled beliefs loosened up, and I started to think in new ways. It was amazing to see how therapy could create such change. I thought to myself, “I wish everyone in the world could experience this.” If I had received treatment from Mr. Arakawa when I was younger, I think being a therapist would have been a part of my future dreams. I deeply respect this profession.

Who would you recommend the therapist to?

Honestly, I believe everyone should receive therapy—it was that beneficial. Even those who aren’t struggling with a specific disorder can benefit by reexamining where their values come from, which can lead to living a healthier and easier life. I only reached out to therapy as an adult, but I wish I had been able to talk to Mr. Arakawa ten years ago, when I was a teenager. So, I particularly recommend it to teenagers who might be in a similar situation to mine.