Depression Test for Children

Welcome to your Depression Test for Children

This test is adapted from PHQ-9 modified for adolescents aged 11 to 17, which is in the public domain

Please note the following:

Have the child answer the questions themselves.
The final evaluation and recommended actions will be displayed based on the total score of the selected numbers.
This test is not a tool for self-diagnosis and serves only as a guideline.
If more than one option applies, please select the number with the higher value.
Answer based on the past 7 days.
In case of an emergency, please call 911.

This test is adapted from PHQ-9 modified for adolescents aged 11 to 17, which is in the public domain ( The original measure was developed by Drs. Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B.W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke and colleagues, with an educational grant from Pfizer Inc.
The reference for the original measure is: Johnson JG, Harris ES, Spitzer RL, Williams JBW: The Patient Health Questionnaire for Adolescents: Validation of an instrument for the assessment of mental disorders among adolescent primary care patients. J Adolescent Health 30:196–204, 2002.

Q1. Feeling down, depressed, irritable, or hopeless?

Q2. Little interest or pleasure in doing things?

Q3. Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping too much?

Q4. Poor appetite, weight loss, or overeating?

Q5. Feeling tired, or having little energy?

Q6. Feeling bad about yourself-or feeling that you are a failure, or that you have let yourself or your family down?

Q7. Trouble concentrating on things like school work, reading or watching TV?

"Q8. Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite-being so fidgety or restless that you were moving around a lot more than usual?"

Q9. Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way?