Anxiety Disorder Test for Children

Welcome to your Anxiety Disorder Test for Children

This test is excerpted from the SCARED test specifically for Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Below is a list of sentences that describe how people feel. Read each phrase and decide if it is “Not True or Hardly Ever True” or
“Somewhat True or Sometimes True” or “Very True or Often True” for you. Then, for each sentence, fill in one circle that
corresponds to the response that seems to describe you for the last 3 months.

Please be aware that:
1. it is recommended that you take this test with your child instead of you, a parent, deciding the child's answer.
2. This does not determine diagnoses. This is merely used for your guidance.

Developed by Boris Birmaher, M.D., Suneeta Khetarpal, M.D., Marlane Cully, M.Ed., David Brent, M.D., and Sandra McKenzie, Ph.D.,
Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh (October, 1995). E-mail:
See: Birmaher, B., Brent, D. A., Chiappetta, L., Bridge, J., Monga, S., & Baugher, M. (1999). Psychometric properties of the Screen for Child
Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED): a replication study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 38(10),

Q1. I worry about other people liking me.

Q2. I am nervous.

Q3. I worry about being as good as other kids.

Q4. I worry about things working out for me.

Q5. I am a worrier.

Q6. People tell me that I worry too much

Q8. I worry about how ell I do things

Q8. I worry about how ell I do things

Q9. I worry about things that have already happened.